Which carpet should we buy?

Which carpet should we buy? This question is asked by most carpet buyers, and this confusion sometimes leads them to decide and buy.To cope with this issue, anyone interested in carpet tiles should pay attention to these points: 1- What style of carpet do I like? 2- What number of meters do I have in mind? 3- What...

The carpet weaving and its mysterious history

Carpet weaving is the oldest type of carpet weaving, which originated centuries before carpet weaving and probably at the same time as a fabric in the east of the world. It is not clear which ethnic groups are the creators of this art, but there is evidence that Central Asian ethnic groups were the first to...

History of Machine-Made Carpets in Iran

The history of machine-made carpets in Iran indicates that machine-made carpets have been around for about 40 years in the country. The first machine-made carpets were produced in Kashan factories in the 1950s using jacquard velvet weaving machines with short and light pile made from synthetic fibers. During this time, some merchants also imported carpets with...

Key tips for carpet cleaning

This text discusses the concerns of housewives during the spring cleaning season, particularly regarding the washing of carpets and rugs. Here are some collected tips for you during these bustling house cleaning days, which are essential and useful for carpet washing and shampooing. Washing carpets usually becomes a major concern for housewives in the days leading...

How to Remove Tea Stains from Carpet

Tea, due to its components, can cause stains on carpets if spilled. To remove tea stains from a carpet, different materials can be used depending on the carpet's type and material. However, if you act quickly to clean the tea stain, it can be easily removed. If the stain becomes old, it might be a...

Hidden carpet pollution

We all know well that carpets are one of the best and most important decorations in any home, and Iranians place great importance on this home ornament. In particular, hand-woven carpets hold a special place among Iranians. However, it is important to know and keep in mind that while carpets have high appeal and beautiful...

loom preparation of handmade carpets

It is likely that you have heard the term "loom preaperation" in the context of handmade carpets, but you may not know what it means, or perhaps you know a bit about it but are not fully familiar with it. If you want to learn about this term, how it is done, and the reasons...

Carpet Fringe Repair

The fringe of a carpet is considered the most important part, as it helps to keep the carpet strong and prevents its fibers from tearing and deteriorating. However, this fringe can become decayed and damaged due to various factors and must be restored or repaired. If not repaired, it can lead to the destruction of...

Guide to Choosing Carpet Colors

Guide to Choosing Carpet Colors

The following guide helps you select the ideal color for your carpet.

Practical Aspects of Carpet Color

Want to Make the Room Look Bigger?

Lighter carpets make a space appear larger, which is desirable for many owners of small to medium-sized homes. Conversely, if you want to make a room feel cozy and comfortable,...